| Name | Status Date | Status | Mod Type | Approval Ref | Issue No. | Description | Comments | Engineer | Payment received? | Approval Date | |
| FIFT, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 09-02-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | 472.5kg Upgrade | | | Yes | 2022-02-09 | View |
| FLDG, SKYRANGER 912(2) | 07-04-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | 472.5kg Upgrade | | | Yes | 2022-04-07 | View |
| GRPA, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 25-01-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | MTOW increase to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-01-25 | View |
| HABI, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 18-03-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS |
| | Yes | 2022-03-18 | View |
| HNGE, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 26-05-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-07-05 | View |
| IBAZ, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 28-01-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade from 450kg to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-01-28 | View |
| JADW, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 18-02-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-02-18 | View |
| JAOC, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 01-04-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-04-01 | View |
| JENK, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 20-05-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-05-20 | View |
| MLZZ, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 21-03-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-03-21 | View |
| CIMS, EUROFOX 912(1) | 13-05-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2911 | 1 | Upgrade MTOW to 560kg | | | Yes | 2022-05-13 | View |
| NIXX, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 16-11-2021 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | 472.5 kg ugrade | | | Yes | 2021-11-16 | View |
| OVAL, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 20-09-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-09-20 | View |
| PAWZ, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 20-05-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-05-20 | View |
| PEGE, SKYRANGER 912(2) | 26-01-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2023-01-04 | View |
| POPY, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 14-06-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-06-14 | View |
| RAFR, SKYRANGER 912S(1) | 17-12-2021 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2021-12-17 | View |
| RODJ, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 18-10-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-10-18 | View |
| SARM, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 07-04-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-04-07 | View |
| SFAR, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 07-09-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | MAAN 2906 | 1 | Weight increase to 472.5kg without BRS | | | Yes | 2023-09-07 | View |
| SFLA, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 02-05-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2023-05-02 | View |
| SIRE, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 16-06-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-06-16 | View |
| SKSW, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 11-01-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade from 450kg to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-01-11 | View |
| UPTA, SKYRANGER 912S(1) | 05-06-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2023-06-05 | View |
| WEEK, SKYRANGER 912(2) | 03-08-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-08-03 | View |
| XLAM, SKYRANGER 912S(1) | 15-05-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2023-05-15 | View |
| YADA, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 25-02-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-02-25 | View |
| ZADA, SKYRANGER 912S(1) | 17-12-2021 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | 472.5kg Upgrade | | | Yes | 2021-12-17 | View |
| ZAVI, IKARUS C42 FB100 | 29-04-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-04-29 | View |
| EGGZ, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 07-06-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-06-07 | View |
| OCDC, SKYRANGER NYNJA 912S(1) | 12-09-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-09-12 | View |
| CHRM, IKARUS C42 FB80 BRAVO | 09-02-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-02-09 | View |
| CHIJ, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 24-11-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | | MTOW increase to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2023-11-24 | View |
| IIDR, IKARUS C42 FB100 BRAVO | 28-05-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-05-28 | View |
| CICG, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 13-05-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-05-13 | View |
| JSKY, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 11-01-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-01-11 | View |
| CISG, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 07-09-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | MTOW increase to 472.5Kg without BRS |
| | Yes | 2023-09-07 | View |
| CIBV, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 09-12-2021 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | 472.5kg upgrade | | | Yes | 2021-12-09 | View |
| CIIT, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(2) | 20-09-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-09-20 | View |
| DAMS, SKYRANGER NYNJA 912S(1) | 14-12-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2022-12-14 | View |
| FOXW, EUROFOX 912(1) | 16-06-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2911 | 1 | Upgrade to 560kg | | | Yes | 2022-06-16 | View |
| CJCO, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 10-11-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | 472.5kg MTOW Increase | | | Yes | 2022-11-10 | View |
| CJDA, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 11-03-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | 472.5 KG AUW | | | Yes | 2022-03-11 | View |
| CIOK, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912S(1) | 21-03-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-03-24 | View |
| CGYP, SKYRANGER 912(2) | 08-06-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-06-08 | View |
| CGWT, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912(1) | 25-05-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2023-04-06 | View |
| WALZ, SKYRANGER NYNJA 912S(1) | 18-08-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | 472.5 kg Upgrade | | | Yes | 2022-08-18 | View |
| WCKM, SKYRANGER SWIFT 912(1) | 25-01-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2239 | 5 | Upgrade to 472.5kg MTOW without BRPS | | | Yes | 2022-01-28 | View |
| CHHJ, EUROFOX 912(1) | 26-03-2022 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2911 | 1 | Weight increase 560kg | | | Yes | 2022-03-26 | View |
| CISS, IKARUS C42 FB80 | 07-09-2023 | FULLY APPROVED | MAAN (Series) | 2906 | 1 | Upgrade to 472.5kg without BPRS | | | Yes | 2023-09-07 | View |